Ownership, Operation & Authorisation

This website is owned and operated by Mosaic Private Pty Ltd (Mosaic Private). Mosaic Private is an authorised representative (authorised representative number 001292721) of SILC Fiduciary Solutions Pty Ltd (AFSL number 522145). Mosaic Private has been appointed as investment manager of the Mosaic Capital Fund (the Fund) by the trustee and custodian of the assets in the Fund, Specialised Investment and Lending Corporation Pty Ltd (AFSL number 407100). Mosaic Private also holds an Australian Credit Licence (ACL number 520150).

The information on this website is general information only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should obtain and consider the relevant disclosure documents relating to any product described on this website before deciding whether to acquire, continue to hold or dispose of that product.

Only approved wholesale investors can purchase units in the Fund. There are risks involved in investing. The value of investments can and does fluctuate and an individual investment may even become valueless. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.