Social Impact

Fifth Direction – Social Impact Partnership

In a world where we often seek validation and completion outside ourselves, The Fifth Direction invites us to explore our own true nature, finding harmony within the seemingly ever-growing chaos of modern life.

By Asher Packman, President of Meditation Australia  

Turning inward to find true purpose

Back in 2017, a group of men from all walks of life began gathering in my Melbourne home once a week. Our motley crew was then known as ‘Warrior Within.’ We meditated together, shared our stories and delved into the soul-inspiring work of poet and activist Robert Bly, Jungian psychologist James Hillman and mythologist Michael Meade.  

These three wise men, among other collaborators, forged a new path for men and masculinity over thirty years ago, in which Bly’s 1990 book ‘Iron John: A Book About Men’ stood as a centrepiece. 

Our community provided a ‘brotherhood’ that many men felt was missing from their lives. A space where they could speak at a level below the surface of their exterior ‘mask’ – without fear of judgement, guilt or shame. A place where they could be seen for who they truly are. 

The community grew quickly and began attracting men from far outside Melbourne. In order to accommodate this (and with COVID times looming) an online platform and mobile application were developed. This gave us greater access to each other, provided a space away from the noise and algorithms of social media, and offered a container for our growing library of resources.  

As the community continued to evolve, it also became clear that the term ‘warrior’ no longer adequately represented the full range of our work. It had been misinterpreted in contemporary culture, and we needed to reclaim it in the frame of something larger and more inclusive.  

In late 2021, the community renamed itself ‘The Fifth Direction’ and opened its doors to all genders.  

The fifth direction represents a turning inward toward the centre of the self, a place from which one can embody a full life. The fifth direction is sacred, representing a return home and a search for the missing centre in a world of chaos. 

It also offers an opportunity to pay homage to the work of Robert Bly, who often called people into the fifth direction before his storytelling.  

In a world where we often seek validation and completion outside ourselves, The Fifth Direction invites us to explore our own true nature, finding harmony within the seemingly ever-growing chaos of modern life. 

We offer a place of solace and connection through breathwork and meditation sessions with internationally-renowned teachers, alongside men’s and women’s sharing circles and the telling of stories which speak to the ancient truth and unerring life-compass inside all of us. 

In essence, the community offers a space to deepen our understanding of ourselves, our relationships, and the world around us. By doing so, we move closer to our true purpose, and the unique genius stored within us. 

While still maintaining our daily roles and responsibilities as parents, siblings, carers, colleagues and everything else required of us, we can learn to express this genius freely in a sacrificial offer to life itself. 


If you’re ready to become the author of your own life, then this is the place for you.  

The Fifth Direction is a community that welcomes everyone of all genders, faiths, backgrounds, orientations, ages, and abilities. We are supported by a Council of volunteers and an international teaching faculty.

Begin your journey by signing up to our free community at